This is perhaps the most fun I’ve ever had with a project. Primary objective was a promotion during which members of the Intel Retail Edge Program collected real trading cards that contained codes that they could use on the site to upgrade the powers of corresponding “heroes”. The more cards they collected the more powerful the heroes could become. These characters were imbued with the qualities and attributes that Intel strives to put into their processors.

Powerful personalities
I worked to give each character a look that matched a trait that each represented. Powerful heavy lifting, speedy agility, and cutting edge technology.
I worked closely with the developers and marketing team, as well as consulted with vendors for the print materials. Press check days are always my favorite days. It was great to see this project come together, and the users really got into it. The forums were filled with comments about the amount of fun the users were having.
Eventually the users could use their heroes to battle against the “Glitch” in order to win points that they could trade for prizes. They could gain status on a leaderboard, and the higher on the board a user got, the more points gained. I illustrated all the characters, designed the cards and the web interface.