Logos are simultaneously challenging and fun. They are great because they can say so much with so little. Typically logo designs are part of a larger branding project and before beginning, I really like to gather some general input from the stakeholders and reference any competition that may fall under the same or similar silos. Logos should be representative of the entire brand, and are only successful when they incorporate a firm understanding of not only the targeted market’s needs and expectations, but also the personality and goals of the product or service they represent. A logo should immediately instill the voice of a brand and prop up the Unique Selling Proposition. I love to ask clients why they think that they even need a logo. It gives me a chance to explain how logos should be considered as a mental reference. They should be immediately recallable in a person’s mind when it comes to that brand’s market needs. If you don’t believe your logo (and perhaps by extension, your brand) is strong enough to do that, it is time to rethink the approach.